Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas celebrations with my family!

Christmas celebrations with my family!

Saturday ~ 22nd December 2007

Christmas is around the corner and what a busy week I had! Busy shopping for presents and wrapping them!

My auntie organised a mini Christmas party and gift exchange at her place!
We had pot luck, games and gift exchange!

There was a huge spread of homemade cooked food!
We had Rojak, Tau Hu goreng, Sushi, bee hoon, curry, Almond jelly dessert, Salad, drinks and the list goes on!
Gift exchange was kinda fun! haha! Cos I was in-charge of it! hee! I numbered all the presents and it was like a lucky draw style! Everyone went back happy!

Ooh, we had a special christmas cake made by my cousin and she also made a cake for my Xiao Ee as we were celebrating her birthday for her today as well!
Christmas cum birthday song... can you imagine? haha!

Merry Christmas everyone!

More celebrations on the way!