Sunday, September 24, 2006


Saturday ~ 23rd September 2006

WoohoO! Today is an ExCiTiNG DAY for me!! I'll be getting my new phone today!

Well, woke up early morning to get ready for training!
Training at Mount Faber 10am... the whole alley was FREEZING COLD!!
I can hardly feel a thing!! Brrr...

After training, I went to meet my dad and we went to get the new phone! Wee! We went to Plaza Singapura's Starhub to have a look.

Well, actually... I have been contemplating all week about which phone to get, my favourite "LG Chocolate" or "Sony Ericsson Cybershot"...

The thing was, Starhub doesn't carry LG Chocolate White, which was a little disappointing... But my dad did say that he thinks its a very slick phone! hehe!

Couldn't decide, so after asking about the phones and had a feel of both of them, my dad confirmed me to get... the Sony Ericsson K800i Cybershot!!
And I must say that is was a fantastic decision! Its so cool!

My first Sony Ericsson phone:

Sony Ericsson K800i Cybershot

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