Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sense of achievement

Thursday ~ 7th June 2007

I didn't sleep the whole of last night!
I was too excited to fall asleep!

I told myself that I had to figure out how to do up the blog properly.
And I did!!!
I was so excited!
Although it was really tedious but I managed to achieve what I wanted!
I want this to be a surprise for my mum.
And I hope that at last I would be appreciated for my efforts!

It is not perfect yet but I achieved what I wanted to get!
The next step would be to get some good pictures of the products!
I could not even find a nice one! haha
Colors should be changed too! Not very suitable.
So far so good!
I hope they would be impressed!

It could be a very gd turning point!!

Hope for the best!!