Monday, February 05, 2007

Superstar Grand Finals 2007!!

Sunday ~ 4th February 2007

Today was a FANTASTICALLY fun day!!!

First was meeting up with the gals for lunch, then we headed off towards the Indoor Stadium for the Superstar Grand Finals!!
Diya was color RED while Darren was color BLUE!
The atmosphere and the energy was great in the Indoor Stadium!!

The final showdown was a performance of 5 categories of songs for the Ladies' and Men's Champ!
Rock, Unplugged, Jazz, Hip Hop, Self-chosen song

There were very special guest for the day's event!!
Malaysian superstar, Vietnam superstar and our Singapore superstar all gave a fantastic performance!!

Ooh!!! The best "wow" performance was by CHAO GE!!!
He's voice and singing style was the bomb!!
Really wow performance!!!

Kinda sad though... the pictures i took of the performances was blurred... *sad*
But was great though!!!

Well, here's sharing some photos of the event!!

Us in the queue, outside the entrance of the Indoor Stadium!!

Exciting!! Inside the Indoor Stadium! Wow!

The finale announcing the overall champion - Darren

Was a really fantastic experience!!