Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WSC Appreciation Dinner

Monday ~ 25th September 2006

This was held at Dragon Gate Restaurant at Harbour Front.
Website: http://www.dragongate.com.sg/

It was a very nice and a much better affair compared to last year's.

Everyone from seniors to juniors of RSPHI turned up for this event and it was, I can say, a memorable one.

I have to say that our "RSPHI SPIRIT" rocked the house!

I also want to thank my fellow Farragoes, Grace, Gabriel, Zhixuan, Stacey, Jin Zhi and Justin and all the juniors for all their efforts and hard work they all have put in to make our year a very successful one!

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Jin Zhi, Stacey & Lynn

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RSPHI Yr 2004-2005

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WSC Certifate of Distinction

Let's continue to keep our RSPHI SPIRIT and achieve greater heights!