Friday, October 13, 2006

Superstar - SuperFans!

Sunday ~ 8th October 2006

Suntec City was today's destination...

Superstar Top 24 selections was today!


Xuan, Samie, Cynthia and me headed to Marche for lunch first.
Its been some time since I went to Marche! Hehe!

Xuan smsed us the good new...

And my favourites Diya and Shiyu went in! Yippie!
Its the finals for me!

And do vote for Diya! She's great!!

Peace y'all!

At Marche:

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Cynthia & me

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Xuan & Samie

And instead of concentrating on the selections...

We concentrated more on taking pictures of us!! Haha!

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Samie & me

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Us having fun! Haha!

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And me! (Taken by Xuan)

If you're wondering why we have little baggies under our eyes...

Well... we were all up till 5 this morning!! Hee!